The Universe has no Extras

My friend,how are you today?

Are you battling with feelings of not being good enough?

Are you concerned that you are not meeting the expectations people have of you?

Are you plagued by doubts and insecurities of where you are at and where you thought you ought to be.

Calm down. Take a deep breath. Repeat the following 5 words- 3 times- looking yourself in the eye in the mirrior


Has that sunk in now? Can you imagine what those words mean.

The Universe has No Extras

Seriously, the universe makes no duplicates.You are here in this universe, in this world, in yourlifetime to be exactly YOU. There is no one else who can be as much YOU as YOU.

And YOU have a specific purpose in this universe, beacuse as you know now, there is no one else who is YOU.

Appreciate the Power of Being YOU

Being who you are, you bring certain qualities, ideas, input to the table. And that is eaxctly what the world needs at this point.

If you try to be someone else, it’s a waste of your time, energy and resources. And it’s a complete waste of your innate gifts and abilities, which you were meant to share with this world.

Each of us has a purpose to serve here. We are all cogs in the infinite mechanism of the world. We all work together, fulfilling our part, the way we are meant to. This ensures the correct interlocking of the cogs to propel forward motion of the world, as we know it.

So do not give up the power of you, becaue YOU, just as you are, have a role to play.

Self Development and Being You

A word of caution. While you have to apreciate being you, it does not mean you do not evolve or change during your life time. A rolling stone gathers no moss. If we are adamant about not changing, we will obviousy be left behind.

Invest in self development. Learn from mentors, create routines and rituals to achieve your goals. hone your creative skills. Pursue your hobbies.

All these activities are only helping you become the better version of yourself, with every passing day, so that you can better fulfill your pupose in this universe.

Remember, competition is never with others. It is only with one person- the person that you were yesterday.

Best of luck!!