A Cup of Coffee

Today, I was at a bit of a loose end,

So, wanted yo grab a cup of coffee with a friend,

But surprise, suprise, friends were busy,

Sigh! When has life ever been easy.


The week has been particularly long,

To say I was stressed wouldn’t be wrong.

I wanted some down time to relax and chill

I even offered to pay the bill

Yet no one would accompany me

For a single solitary cup of coffee.


I wanted coffee so bad,

And then I had an idea that I’d earlier never had

I took myself out for a treat

Sat down in the cafe and relaxed my feet.


Ah..Coffee..as you envelope me in your warmth and steam,

I cannot help but beam.

Today I learned a valuable lesson from my coffee,

the best company to enjoy my coffee with is me



“Eyes are the window to the soul”, she read….



And she sighed just a little bit as she turned the page to the next chapter in her Braille book.


#wordsonwords by Rashma

The Other Man

Rahul didn’t Ma spending so much time with the new guy. And worse of all, she seemed to enjoy it too. And she was always smiling around him.


For the nth time, 3 year old Rahul wondered what was so charming about his new younger brother.

#wordsonwords by Rashma

Lessons from Life-I

We have often heard that Life is our greatest teacher.  If you actually think of it, what life is is actually a series of events and how we react to them.

As we become more aware and mindful of what is happening around us, to us and how we are reacting, we can learn a lot of potent lessons. And this is exactly why Life is a great teacher.

I have now started a series where I’d like to share everyday events, how I reacted to them and what’s the lesson I learned. Hopefully, these posts will be useful to you as well.

Here is my first post in this series. The term first post implies that more will follow. After all, life continues teaching us lessons as long as we live. There really is no vacation time in life.

So here goes.


Last week when I was in my exercise class- and this was Valentine’s Day- the thought suddenly came to my mind as to where did I put my keys. I was thinking of both my house keys and the car keys. I had been thoroughly enjoying the dance routine, as it was a special Valentine’s Day class, when this thought about the keys came to me apparently out of the blue.

I immediately stepped out of the routine and walked towards the shelf tops in the studio to check  if I had placed my keys there. I did see some keys, but they didn’t look like mine. Obviously, those keys belonged to someone else. I was still in the ‘no panic’ zone. Surely I had slipped them into the pocket of my jacket that was hanging innocently on the stretching bar right there. Uh..oh..no keys in the jacket after a thorough search of the pockets.

Maybe I absently slipped them into my bag itself. Hurried, now slightly panic stricken searching of the bag revealed no keys. Now, I was really wondering what could have happened. So, in our class, as part of the routine, we have to walk up 7 flights of stairs. I thought that perhaps, the keys fell off my pocket when I was walking up. I immediately went down stairs by lift and climbed up 7 floors scanning along the way for the keys. And guess what I got in return- an elevated heart rate due to the extra round of stairs exercise, but no keys.

My mind was already making plans. How am I going to handle this? Will this affect our safety as the house keys are missing. Of course we have a spare set of car keys. To say that I was upset would be an understatement. But I tried to keep it under control.

I started focusing on the solution rather than the problem, I spoke to Ankit (the guy in charge), asking him to look for my keys and to inform me when they do turn up. I walked back into class.

Dev (the teacher) asked me what was going on. I replied that apparently I have misplaced my keys. He picked up the keys lying on the shelf top and asked me, “Are these yours” and magically they were. These were the same set of keys I had seen earlier and decided that they were not mine. Can you imagine!!!

So what exactly happened here? What changed and what lessons can we learn from this.

Lessons to be Learned

1. Sometimes the Solution is Right in Front of You

When you are grappling with a problem, and you look at various avenues to resolve it, it is always a good idea to check the obvious solution first. Sometimes problems are not really not as complicated as we make them out to be in our head. While thinking out of the box is good,  often the simplest solution may actually resolve the problem.

I had perhaps already made up my mind that the keys have fallen out somewhere. Hence though the keys were right there, I couldn’t see them. In fact, this brings me to the second lesson.

Approach Any Problem with an Open Mind

When there is a problem, promise yourself to approach it with no preconceived notions. The fact is you will achieve what you believe. If you already believe that the keys are lost, you can never find them even if they are right there, staring you in your face, In fact, you just think they belong to someone else.

When you have already decided what the problem is, and also decided what the solution is, you will likely remain closed to other approaches. This will cost you dearly in terms of time. What could have been readily resolved, will now take more time.

Never discount the power of your thoughts to influence your actions. You will act the way your thoughts lead you to. And this brings me to lesson 3

3) Your Thoughts Drive Your Actions. Focus on Your Goals

You will always act the way you think. In this case, somehow, I was convinced that keys had fallen away somewhere on the stairs. And further, as I was in the exercise class, I wanted to utilize the opportunity to get in one more round of stairs. So I took the elevator to go down and came up walking looking for the keys.

Did you spot the flaw??

My real purpose here was to look for the keys and not exercise, correct? So I could have walked down the stairs, looking for the keys, along the way and come up by the elevator. That would have been quicker and would have conserved energy as well.

As we move through life and work, we are always setting multiple goals in different areas of our life. However, at every point, we need to focus on one goal at a time to get it done. Exercise and Finding my keys, both were goals for me that day. But at that particular instance, the goal of finding the keys was more critical. So I should have focused on the solution that would have helped me achieve that goal most efficiently (walk down and come up by the elevator). However, because I didn’t think through and failed to prioritize my goals, the path I took was not so efficient.

4) Ask for Help

As I came up, Dev (the teacher) asked me what was wrong. I shared the issue with him. He immediately pointed to keys lying on the shelf top, which were of course mine. That helped me attend the rest of the class in a relaxed frame of mind. Or else I would have been wondering about the keys and would  not have been able to focus on the class.

The lesson here is if we ask for help, we usually receive it. And the fresh pair of eyes helps. There is nothing heroic about suffering due to a problem. And true, heroism is having the courage to share the problem and asking for help. This course of action is more likely to help resolve the issue.

Thus I to end my first post. I look forward to your comments.




Law of Attraction Works

I don’t remember when I read the ‘Secret’; it was sometime in 2016 or 2017. And it is safe to say that book changed my life.
I cannot recommend ‘The Secret’ enough. The crux of the book is Law of Attraction. You attract what you think about. If you think positive, you will attract positive. If you complain all the time and if you are miserable, that’s exactly what you will attract.

I vividly remember an example from the book.  You stub your toe as soon as you wake up in the morning, you curse and instantly the thought comes into your mind that today is a bad day, it started on a bad note. Guess what, you usually do end up having a rough day. Was it because you stubbed your toe? NO..it is because you thought that you would have a bad day, and well you attracted a bad day!

Well, I kid you not. Law of Attraction is powerful.

From the LOA (Law of Attraction) comes the power of Visualization. You manifest what you visualize. From there comes the vision board. You create a vision board with pictures of your dearest, deepest dreams and desires. Focus day in and out on achieving them and before you know it, those dreams have come true.

Over the last 3 years, I have become a humongous fan of Law of Attraction. Here are some of the things I have visualized and achieved.

I am sharing these personal experiences for you to understand the power of Law of Attraction and make this a part of your life as well.


Those who know me know that I am extremely careful about what I eat. This is in fact part of the healthy lifestyle/healthy eating habits I am trying to cultivate.

Traditionally, I have always thought (or rather, it is the general understanding) that pasta is bad if you are on a mission to lose weight. Hence though I loved pasta, I always avoided it. Of course on the occasions, I did indulge, I felt super guilty.

Then sometime, last month, I wrote a post about our relationship with food. My post basically described that if we continue to associate negative feelings like guilt with food, we will never lose weight or be healthy. That’s the day I changed my attitude towards food. After all, food is not just food, but a medium that provides us energy to sustain our body and carry out our day to day tasks. Food provides us with great times with friends and family and  gives us happy memories. I truly started to believe this.

Simultaneously, I joined FITTR, the fitness app and enrolled under a coach. Unbelievably, coincidentally, the diet plan recommended to me includes 40 grams of pasta for breakfast every single day.

Whoa, right!! The universe was listening to me and the moment I changed my attitude towards food, something shifted and brought one of my favorite foods closer to me.

 My Vision Board

I have always read about vision boards. I have always read that visualizing what we want in our lives, visualizing what we want to do always attracts the same thing into our lives.  So sometime in August I created a vision board.

Earlier the very thought of creating a vision board would paralyze me, because I always felt that I didn’t have the right things for this. This time around, I decided to make do with what I have. I just took regular A4 white papers and stuck pictures cut out from newspaper on it. Thus, my vision board was born and I stuck in the wall in front of my desk.

For exercise, I stuck a picture of a cycle. To take up running again, I stuck a picture a runner, and believe you me, both these events came to pass.

I undertook the NavaRun during Navratri, where I ran 9k for 9 days.

And recently, maybe a couple of weeks ago, I purchased a cycle for the kids, so that they could exercise, And one of these Sundays, I cycled close to 45 minutes as part of my exercise routine.

Isn’t it amazing how things just fall in place. It’s the universe listening to you. Though when I watched Om Shanti Om for the first time, SRK’s famous dialogues didn’t make sense, now it totally does. I am referring to this one:

Image result for srk dialogues om shanti om

In Conclusion

Above are just two of the examples that I have shared. There are countless more things that happen on a daily basis. The power of positivity cannot be undermined.

The Law of Attraction is POWERFUL. What we don’t often realize is that the Law of Attraction works whether you think positive thoughts or negative thoughts. If you are constantly pessimistic, wait for things to go wrong, then don’t be surprised if that’s what happens.

My philosophy is simple. Think positive. If the positive thing happens (as it will), great. Even if it doesn’t at least you didn’t lose your peace of mind by negative thinking.

Each day is a precious gift. Make the most of it.

And for romance, SRK is always there!!!